Is Trout Fishing Good in the Rain?

Last Updated on October 2, 2023 by Kyle Whitley

 is trout fishing good in the rain

Fish species are affected by weather conditions and influence their feeding behavior. Let’s take a look and see how rain affects fishing. Is trout fishing good in the rain?  

Can You Fish for Trout in the Rain?

Trout fishing in the rain requires patience and knowledge about the river or stream conditions. 

If the rain is too heavy, it could cause flooding and disturb the water flow. Light rain or a quick heavy rain can be very helpful because the lower light conditions are more favorable for feeding trout.

Trout eat mostly insects and other small creatures. Storms can wash insects and push small animals to the water’s edge.  

Is Fishing In The Rain Good For Catching Trout?

Trout as are most fish species, sensitive to changes in weather conditions. When fishing in the rain, they sense the change in temperature and barometric pressure. This helps them decide if it’s a good time to feed.

Rainy days can be perfect for fishing. Trout love rainy days because they provide them with more opportunities to feed.

Trout also love cloudy skies because they help them see the insects they feed on better. 

Fish that eat insects tend to be found near the surface during showers. Insects are attracted to the surface by the rain and then targeted by the fish.

Rain makes fish eat more because there is more food around.  This causes them to be more active than usual.

Trout eat mostly during the daytime. They eat mainly insects. Trout also eat some crustaceans and small mammals like mice when they are available. Rain washes many kinds of insects and worms from the ground and other places into the water. 

Is Trout Fishing Good in the Rain?

Trout fishing can be very successful when there is light to moderate rain. You need to change your techniques when the weather changes. Darker flies or lures work better in cloudy conditions.

Trout prefer bright colored lures when the weather is sunny. However, when the weather is rainy, they tend to avoid bright colors. Therefore, if you’re going fishing during rain, you should use darker colors. 

Trout prefer clear, calm water.  You need to be careful when fishing near the bank because your movement in the water could change water clarity, especially after it has rained since sediment from the outside the stream has likely washed into the river or stream.

When there is a thunderstorm or heavy rain, you shouldn’t go fishing. Lighting and water as you know don’t mix.

Fly-fisherman catching trout in river, under the rain

How Does Rain Affect Trout Fishing?

Trout usually eat in cool and clear water, but they also will feed in warm water.  Trout are not likely to bite when it’s hot out around mid-day.  

Trout like most fish species prefer to feed in the early morning or later in the afternoon.  This is mostly due to their vision and the ability to ambush prey.

Trout fishing in the rain can be very popular because of the low light conditions created by rain. The bait attracts fish to the surface of the water. When the sun comes out after the rain, the water clears up and the fish move back down below the surface.

Rain causes the fish to become more active. Trout feel safer when there is less light. This makes them more likely to feed. Fish can sense changes in atmospheric pressure. This may be how they know when it is time to eat.

Anglers should know what kind of weather patterns to expect. When there is rain or clouds, the fish may be more active. Trout love clear water, but if the water is muddy, then they won’t be as active.

Before the rain Begins

Fishing in Low Light

Lower light conditions are definitely favored in most fishing circles. Trout fishing is one example. Trout streams come alive when they hatch and trout feed actively at the first sign of rain and cloudy skies.

Predators prefer low light conditions to sunny days because they have more cover to hide and feed before the watercolors and clarity decreases. 

As soon as the hatch starts, it’s a feeding frenzy. With a dry fly, you’ll get fish to the net quickly.


Changes in Barometric Pressure

When it comes to barometric pressure, there are two schools of thought. The first idea is based on the fact that when a storm is approaching, the drop in baro­metric pressure will cause a drastic shift in fish feeding behavior.

The second idea is the fish realize the change of pressure causes worsening conditions and reduces the food sources resulting in their feeding harder to stock up.


Rain Rain Go Away

If you’re brave enough to push through a downpour, then you’ll be rewarded with some great fishing. After a storm, fishing can be productive. After the rain, the hatches are usually large and last for a long time, so they’re good for catching heavy feeding trout.

Anglers often enjoy fishing best when the weather has cleared up.

You should always bring a change of clothes with you when you go out. After a rainy day out on the river, it’s always nice to change out of your wet clothes into something dry.


Safety concerns when fly or spin fishing in the rain

Rainstorms, especially heavy ones can be dangerous because they make it hard to see what’s going on under the surface. If you are wading this can be very concerning. 

If you are bank fishing, then you need to be concerned about rising water levels.  Sometimes water levels can rise and fall quickly.

Don’t try to fish in heavy rain unless you’re prepared to deal with the consequences. Know the depth of the water before you go out.

More importantly, know your limits and don’t put yourself or fellow anglers in any danger.  

What is the Best Weather for Trout Fishing?

Trout prefer cold water temperatures, but they’ll feed when the water is warmer than ideal. 

Trout fishing is best when there are lots of clouds and some rain. This makes insects more active, and you’ll catch more fish.

Rainwater oxygenates the water and makes fish more active.

So Where Should You Fish When it is Raining?

If you’re fly fishing in the rain and want to catch fish, look for eddies or pockets of slower-moving water along the bank. Trout can cope with changes in stream conditions caused by rain, including increased water turbidity and temperature. 

If you’ve managed not to get overwhelmed by the deluge, there’s a good chance you’ll catch an epic hatch. Blue-winged olives, midges, and rainstorms often go hand in hand.

When the rain stops, tie on your favorite fishing lure and cast out. Then mend your line to achieve a smooth, drag-free drift.

Other Trout Fishing in the Rain Tips

Trout fishing is better when there isn’t much current. 

• Look for trout in still water pools around rivers, where they will be feeding and avoiding changes in the current.

• When choosing darker colored flies or lures, choose brown, dark green, black, or any color that contrasts well with the water.

• Be more aggressive with your fishing presentations, since the fish are more active they will be more likely to bite before a storm happens

•If a cold front follows the rain, the fishing might not be so great since the front will affect the fish.

• A warm front after a rain event usually triggers excellent fishing opportunities.

•If you hear thunder, get off the water.  While fishing for trout is great, it isn’t worth getting electrocuted over.

 Summing Up Fishing in the Rain

In conclusion, I would recommend trying trout fishing in the rain as long as you know what you’re doing. Trout fishing requires patience and skill. It takes practice to learn how to catch fish when the weather is bad. With practice, you’ll eventually become a pro at catching trout in the rain.


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